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Gordon Parks Photography: What Tells a Story | FineArt Vendor

Gordon Parks Photography: What Tells a Story

"I think Roy blended the premium in me to attempt to get to know individuals and get to know a wide range of individuals better and research their ills and their biases and their merchandise and their malevolence." - Gordon Parks, oral history interview, December 30, 1964, Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

From the get-go in his profession at the Farm Security Administration, Gordon Parks was urged to think about how as a progression of photos can recount a more complete story.

Utilizing pictures of government specialist Ella Watson and her family, split the class into gatherings and give each gathering one photo from the series. Have each gathering examine everything story their specific picture says. Think about each of the components of the photo: topic, subtleties, lighting, piece, viewpoint, and perspective.

Then, unite the class to share the photos and stories examined. How does seeing every one of the photos together support or change the story each gathering created? Examine everything that new stories you can now say and what different associations you can make.

Attempt this activity with other series in the picture set. For example, look at/contrast pictures specifying work or some likeness thereof. How treat say about work in the United States? What would we be able to find out with regards to the idea of the American Dream?

Or on the other hand, analyze/contrast Parks' photos of youngsters. For what reason could Parks have zeroed in on youngsters in his work? What do photos of kids achieve that his different pictures don't?
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